Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Opinion About Digital Footprints

I think that Digital Footprints get a little bit scarey at time. After watching the videos about how people can find out where you live in a snap of a finger kinda makes me a little leery about all of my accounts that I have online. I personally don't think that it is fair for a business to not hire you because they have seen pictures or statuses on Facebook or Twitter. I just seems to me like you can't really live your own life anymore. I think that what you post on the internet is your business. Even if you delete a picture from the internet people can still track it. I think that yeah some people may have bad pictures at one time and then delete it but I don't think that they should be penalized for it forever. The past is the past... People change... I just don't think it's right.


  1. I also think it is crazy that people can steal your information so easily. Maybe its not right for business to check out your accounts, but they do it and we cant change that anymore. And for doing whatever you want to do if completely fine also, you only live once :) but maybe you can possibly think twice about uploading the pictures or videos. Make it a little easier to find a job.

  2. I agree that what you do on the internet is your business. If its personal, than a business should have no right to penalize you for it. But if you do an illegal act and post a picture of yourself doing it, than that's a little different. Ie, if you take a picture of yourself breaking into a car and stealing stuff, than maby you would need to get into trouble. But the past IS the past. Whats done is done, and you cant change it.
